Posted by Erica August 05, 2013
"On the 10th of August, they will gather to pray to the dark gods and consume their offering. On a barren outcrop of stone they sat in dark celestial formation facing inward as they chanted their black words and laid waste to an innocent sacrifice. Each figure comes with a black bead mala with 5 red center beads to signify the brotherhood. Black vinyl with white paint rub and gold spray accents. The 2 high priests have crazed red crystal eyes, rough sewn headbands and blood splattered mouths. The remaining 3 have flat black and shimmering black crystal eyes. Each figure comes with their own prayer mat as well."

I am so looking forward to a full reveal of these exclusive Alavaka figures! If you havent got the Toy Mafia Black Alavaka Exclusive in your collection be sure to snag one HERE! 

the black 5, by Devils Head Productions, $60.  Available at 8.10.2013 at 3:33pm



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