Posted by Miranda April 10, 2015

THANK YOU to everyone who has backed our Luke Chueh Dissected Bear Head Kickstarter . Because of you we reached our initial goal in just 14 hours, and even unlocked our first stretch goal!! You guys ROCK, and now all backers will get a free print!!

That's right, everyone who backs the projects gets a free full color 6" x 6" print of Luke Chueh's "Anthropomorphized" painting (shown below) on 10 pt. Cardstock!

imageANTHROPOMORPHIZED-Luke_Chueh-Acrylic-trampt-183365o.jpeg, by Miranda

Please keep supporting this project and help us to unlock the BLOOD POOL ADD ON! This will only be available from THIS Kickstarter and at special events. 


imagelukebloodPOOL.jpg, by Miranda

You want the blood pool, we want the blood pool, LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN!! 


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leftClutter is a FREE monthly print publication covering all things Designer Toy and Sub-Culture art. Founded in 2004 in the good old United Kingdom, Clutter moved to NYC in 2009 where it continues to grow. Pick up a copy here.

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