Posted by marc January 26, 2016
Tristan Eaton, Shepard Fairey, Futura, London Police Launch Painted Oceans Kickstarter

Street artists unite! Tristan Eaton, the daddy of the Dunny, has just launched his Kickstarter project five years in the making. He, along with the world's top street artists, are planning on painting the Red Sands Sea Forts, historic structures off the shore of England that protected the UK from the Nazis during World War II. Tristan's Street Art Avengers include Shepard Fairey, Futura, The London Police, and twin brothers How & Nosm. In addition to painting the forts, the team will also be producing a documentary film, limited edition prints, and a hardcover book documenting their work. And don't worry; they're partnering with a bunch of local organizations to ensure the safety of the artists, the structures, and the natural habitat and wildlife. Kickstarter perks include merch, social media shout-outs, prints, copies of the documentary and book, limited edition Montana spraypaint cans designed by Tristan Eaton, and even on-site tours. Check out all the details and contribute right here.

See more Kickstarter projects here




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